Monday, 4 November 2019 / London, UK


I’m not a black tea lover but what I have definitely love and has benefited well for me is Herbal teas, my first herbal tea ever at age of 15 was green tea I was always into perfecting my skin and well being and green tea was always the highly recommended herbal tea as it has so many benefits. To this day I drink it and along my herbal tea journey, I have also started trying other herbal flavored teas, so I decided to share with you all my favorite herbal teas that I would recommend and which are so good for your body.


                                                     Shop here Glow tea

I have currently started drinking GLOW Tea from Twining's - infused with Strawberry, Aloe Vera, Cucumber, green tea, and biotin which has skin and hair benefits. Adds glow to your skin. 


                                                  Shop here for Turmeric tea

This tea is so good for aiding digestive problems and calming the gut especially after you have eaten a meal. You can also have this tea first thing in the morning it really helps to restart your body. 


                                                Shop here for Echinacea tea

The Echinacea and Raspberry tea are so good for building your immune system especially if you are someone who tends to get flu and colds so often you are going to find this so beneficial to your help. I started drinking this at the beginning of the year as part of my diet and by far I can say I have only had a cold this year once so it really helped strengthen my immune system a lot. 

                                                 Shop here for green tea

Green tea like I have mentioned is my favourite tea, it has helped my health and skin, If you are someone who has suffers from constipation or just needing a tea with so many health benefits in one this is the tea for you. it detoxifies your body, digestion and is high in antioxidants which have been proven to fight cancer cells. So I would recommend 1 cup a day this will improve your health game. Green tea also helps with your maintain clearing skin as it flushes out all the bacteria and waste which you don't need which in return perfects your skin health. 

Have you tried any of twinning's tea?


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